From doing the bare minimum, to breaking and entering, to refusing repair on even the smallest inconvenience.
Landlords have a well-earned reputation for being the absolute worst, and the ones on this list are doing nothing to change that.
From doing the bare minimum to breaking and entering, to refusing repair on even the smallest inconvenience, here are 22 infuriating examples of landlords pulling the "landlord special."
“I used a screwdriver to enter my apartment for nine months.”
“Landlord hired roofers who left my house in unbelievably bad condition.”
“Landlord took my router and the police helped me get it back.”
“The floor of our laundry room is sinking. We just got an email telling us the floor is “broken” and not to enter. A major problem is that I share a wall (and floor) with the laundry room. What should I do?”
“Landlord suggests we move instead of repairing leaky ceilings.”
“My landlord decided to set up his washing machine in the garage. That spot is our assigned parking space.”
“Landlord painted over German cockroach eggs.”
“Shared townhouse with live in landlord. I've been having issues with him for ages. Just caught him entering my room while I was gone. He has threatened to kick me out for literally mentioning that the washer had mold.”
“The landlord says not to expect it fixed before the holidays. It's already been a week.”
“Landlord changed the locks on my apartment without informing me. I work late hours, so all the leasing employees have left and maintenance isn’t picking up the phone.”
“So the landlord decided to lay concrete in front of my door without notice yesterday morning.”
“This text message from my daughter’s landlord while we’re attending her college graduation.”
“Our landlord changed our fridge while I was at work.”
“Landlord says my lawn doesn't pass inspection.”
“Landlord ordered a new gas oven to replace the old broken one. He only paid to have it dropped off. He is very shocked that I’m not happy.”
“My landlord, while painting the apt I am moving out of, drank my limited release MF Doom beer that came out after the news of his death. I’ve had this beer for about a year.”
“My landlord entered my apartment without notice (illegal) to tell me to clean my lint trap.”
“How the Landlord fixed my closet in the $1800 a month apartment I rent.”
“Does anyone know what and how to change these light bulbs? They blew last week and my landlord will not change them after I’ve asked TWICE.”
“Landlord refuses to replace broken tile. Our rent is $3257/mo.”
“My landlord said I had Central A/C.”